Electricity Supply to the University

Vice-Chancellor's Office

Electricity Supply to the University

a. Repair of Cables and Equipment: The Administration has been repairing and rerouting obsolete electrical cables and equipment to ensure regular supply of electricity to the campus. The project is being supervised by the Division of Works and Maintenance Services.

b. Need To Change Power Supply Source: The University Administration has consistently made serious efforts to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the University community despite the dwindling allocations from the Federal Government. There was a need to change the power supply source for the University because of the inordinate tariff rates charged by the PHCN. With the University’s status as an Eligible Customer, the University has been purchasing electricity directly from the First Independent Power Limited at negotiable rates. The University has received various threat letters as a result of our accumulated outstanding debt from January 2023 to date. At a meeting held recently with FILP, the University Adminisatrion considered various options of fulfilling its obligations to the firm. We shall continue to alleviate the effect of the funding inadequacies on provision of social amenities to the University.