I sincerely Welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Clinical Sciences
Dean's Welcome Address
I am greatly delighted to welcome you to the Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The Faculty was established in 1992 when the former Faculty of Health Sciences assumed the Collegiate Status. The Then Faculty of Health Sciences was restructured into three Faculties with a central coordinating College of Health Sciences under the able leadership of the Provost. The Faculty consists of 11 clinical departments of Anaesthesia, Community Health, Dermatology & Venerology, Medicine, Mental Health, Obstetric, Gynaecology & Perinatology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Paediatrics & Child Health, Radiology and Surgery.
Our main thrust as a Faculty apart from service and research is in the primary provision of clinical training for medical students in their fourth to sixth years before they are formally exposed to the employment market as our ambassadors. We also produce postgraduate doctors and other health workers with sufficient management skill to play a leadership role in health care delivery across the globe. Our postgraduate courses include Masters of Science and PHD programmes in Community Health, Public Health and Clinical psychology. Many more postgraduate courses are about to commence in a short while.