The Division is made up of the Students’ Affairs Office, Guidance and Counseling Unit and the Halls of Residence, it is headed by the Dean, who coordinates the day-to-day activities, and is directly responsible to the Vice-Chancellor. It is therefore a Division in the Vice- Chancellor’s Office which deals with student matters.
The Division fosters student growth, and also aids, directs and informs students about services and programs that will expand students’ educational experiences and prepare them for diverse lives in local and global communities.
In collaboration with the colleges, faculties, other administrative and service units of the University and students themselves, the Division endeavours to provide the proper atmosphere and good inter-personal relationships that are essential for the students’ overall welfare, social and academic in the University. The Division is thus central to the University’s mission of assisting students in their intellectual, physical, emotional, social and moral development during their stay in the University.
Particularly, the Division is responsible for the quality of the informal learning environment that students need in a University community, to enhance the realization of their potentials as enlightened and responsible citizens of this country. This is done in recognition of the inter- relatedness’ of students’ welfare facilities, their academic performance and a conducive atmosphere on campus. For effective discharge of its responsibilities, the Division consists of various units which are provided with the necessary facilities at its disposal.
The Division shall use resources effectively to achieve institutional missions and goals.
Facilitating Actions
- Resource Management Secure, develop, and allocate resources in accordance with strategic initiatives. Utilize resources in an effective and efficient manner.
- Staff Development Build a diverse Student Affairs staff who are high performers and who are experts on students, their environments, and the teaching and learning process.
- Partnerships Collaborate with faculty, staff, students, colleges and academic support areas, and community members and organizations to strengthen our capacity to advance student learning and provide quality services and programs.
- Strategic Planning
- Integrate the strategic planning process, including continuous improvement initiatives, into our work.
- Traffic Offences that Must be Avoided
- Driving motor vehicles without Driver’s License or Learner’s Permit.
- Riding motor cycles without Driving License or Learner’s Permit.
- Driving or Riding with Learner’s Permit without a licensed driver to instruct and without the letter ‘L’ displayed in the front and rear of the vehicle as warning.
- Driving an unregistered vehicle or failing to exhibit the Registration number at the front and rear of the vehicles are required by laws.
- Driving or Riding without light or failing to dim light for approaching vehicle from the opposite directions.
- Wrong overtaking and excessive speeds, particularly of motor cycles.
- Carrying more than one passenger on a motorcycle and failing to wear crash or steel helmet.
- Failing to observe and obey traffic signs.
- Wrong parking of motor vehicles and Motor cycles and bicycles.
- Driving or Riding on Lawns and Krebs.
- Making illegal U-turns on Roads.
Registration of Vehicles
All Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles owned by students must be registered with the Division of Students’ Affairs within one week of purchase or arrival on the Campus
Admission into Halls of Residence
- Admission to a Hall of Residence is by application to the Warden of the Hall. Relevant application forms are available from the Office of the Wardens of respective Halls for completion.
- Students who are unsuccessful in obtaining accommodation in a University Hall of Residence shall make their own arrangements for lodging outside the Campus.
- Full academic session’s Fees must be paid before registration into rooms.
- The right to occupy a room is not transferable; anybody who violates this shall forfeit his accommodation and fees.
- While Students are not obliged to live in Halls, those who elect to do so must conform with certain regulations; the adherence to which will enable every student have a pleasant stay in residence.
- No student shall in any way seek to undermine the peace of mind of fellow students or the orderly administration of the Halls of Residence.
- Concerning piracy (illegal occupancy of Room) As the student prizes his/her rights and freedom of association, speech, and action, so must he/she respect the rights and freedom of association, speech, and action of fellow students.
All students who are legitimately allocated rooms in the Halls of Residence shall be made to sign an undertaking NOT to harbour any ‘pirates’ or squatters as a condition of tenancy.
Any student who keeps a squatter shall automatically forfeit his/her room without any refund of accommodation fees earlier paid. The ‘landlord’ and the ‘pirate(s)’ shall be ejected from any University Halls of Residence. Such students who are ejected from the Halls of Residence shall be blacklisted and shall forfeit all chances of being allocated any room on the University campus throughout their period of study in the University.
If any already ejected ‘landlord’ or ‘squatter’ is caught again ‘pirating’ with another student (new landlord) on the campus, the new squatter who is now the ‘second offender’ shall be suspended from the University for a semester, while the new ‘landlord’, who is now the first offender forfeits his/her room allocation without any refund.
[warning]Under no circumstance shall there be option of fine in a case that involves ‘squatting.[/warning]
Accommodation into Halls of Residence
Undergraduate Student
- Men Undergraduate students in all Faculties and Departments will be evenly distributed in the four Halls for men i.e Fajuyi and Awolowo, ETF and Angola.
- Women Undergraduate students will be accommodated in Moremi, Alumni, Akintola and Mozambique Hall.
Postgraduate Students
Murtala Muhammed Hall is exclusively for postgraduate students and physically handicapped male students.
- Under no circumstances will accommodation be provided in the Hall for Graduate Assistants or any member of University staff on Study Leave where there is evidence that such a member of staff has already been allocated a house by the University or is being paid house allowance in lieu of accommodation.
- Under no circumstances will accommodation be provided in the Hall for any one on full time appointment with any Establishment unless he/she is on Study Leave.
- A postgraduate study must not sell his accommodation or keep non-postgraduates, non-students or any other type of squatter in his room. Violation may lead to forfeiture of allocation. Accommodation in Murtala Muhammed Hall is on Semester basis.
Clinical Students
Male Clinical students will be accommodated in the two-bedded rooms in Fajuyi Hall and the Medical Students Hostel until further notice, while accommodation will be provided for their female counterparts in Moremi Hall, the University rented accommodation for medical student in town and the female wing of the Clinical Hostel.
Order of Priority regarding offer of Accommodation to Undergraduate Students
- Freshmen.
- Finalists (decided by matriculation year).
- Student Union Leaders.
- Sport men and women recommended by the Chairman, Sports Council.
- Students suffering from physical deformities certified by Director of medical services.
- Foreign Students
- Medical (clinical) students, and
- Other categories of students.
Order of Priority regarding offer of Accommodation to Postgraduate Students
- Students on first session of MA/M.Sc. Degree Programmes – three bed room apartments
- Students on second session of MA./M.Sc. Degree programmes-single room apartment where available.
- Students on Ph.D. degree programmes-single room apartment where available.
Accommodation fee:
Flat of N90 per session.
- Postgraduate
- Single room – 1000.00 per session.
- Shared room – N750.0 per session.
Miscellaneous fee of N2,500 is charged per student per session to utilities and maintenance in the Halls. These charges may change on the approval of Council.
Environmental Sanitation
Prevention, they say, is better than cure and effective weapon for preventing infectious diseases generally is cleanliness. The University has made a number of facilitates available to ensure an environment that is conducive to healthy living. However, you as an individual, are required to make use of these facilities correctly, for example:
- Refuse (household wastes) should be placed in covered dust bin/waste paper baskets, and placed in a position where they can easily be emptied by environmental health workers.
- Toilet facilities should be used decently and correctly.
- The water supplied through the university Dam is generally potable, but based on past experience we advice that water should be boiled before drinking.
- The constraints on University facility have informed the situation where rooms originally designed for 4 students are now being allocated to 9-10 students, a situation where students who have secured official accommodation take on squatters is dangerous. Certain diseases spread like bush fire in situations of overcrowding. Avoid squatting.
- The University Authority, through the Parks and Gardens Unit endeavour to keep the University Campus bush free. However some traditional bush paths have been established and snake bite is a common emergency in the Health Centre especially during the raining season. The cost of managing a poisonous snake bite runs to thousands of Naira, if it does not end up to losing life and therefore it should be more reasonable/and cost effective to avoid bush paths as much as possible especially in the night; carry a torch and wear high-hilled shoes, if you must venture out in the night.
Adolescent Health
A common adage says “health is wealth” Most things that affect our total well-being are eminently preventable. The onus for remaining in health or preventing ill-health to a large extent rests on the individual.
This simply refers to the total well being of the young adults. This particular group of human beings has additional health hazards as a direct result of the peculiarity of their age group. Key problem areas with health implications identified with this group include:
- Sex Abuse: Characterized mainly by indiscriminate premarital sexual exposures mostly in heterosexual relationships (between opposite sexes) even though homo-sexuality is on the increase especially among drug addicts. This age of free-for-all sex has consequently witnessed a high prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS). Most of these, though amenable to treatment, often leave scares as infertility affecting both sexes.
- AIDS as an STD deserves a special mention. This insidious disease has a very long incubation period, up to 20 years in some cases. The disease, once contracted runs a relentless course terminating in premature death. There is no known cure yet. It has been estimated that 5 out of every 100 Nigerian and 25 out of every 100 commercial Sex Workers are infected with the HIV virus. The main route of transmission is indiscriminate unprotected sexual relationship with the opposite sex.
Prevention of STD’s including AIDS
- Abstinence and marital fidelity. The Bible, and the Quran, warmly recommend this. Evidence also abounds that it is a possible lifestyle.
- Limitation of sexual partner to the barest minimum as well as the practice of protected sex.
- Be highly discriminatory in your choice of sexual partners.
- Seek medical advice at the slightest suspicious of having contacted an STD.
- Drug abuse and related disorders. Apart from drugs like cocaine and heroin, certain seemingly innocent “drugs” taken by students to keep awake (e.g. Black coffee and kola nut) have been incriminated in drug related disorders. It is however pertinent to note that:
- there is a strong relationship between drug abuse, crime, cultism and indiscriminate sexual relationships and
- drugs ultimately make a wreck of otherwise unquantifiable potentials.
The only effective prevention is a strong determination not to start at all under any circumstance.
It is common knowledge that this phenomenon has risen to alarming dimensions in our institutions of higher and even “lower” learning. Cultism, like drugs abuse, is a very costly pastime. Unfortunately, the cost is often shared by innocent members of the community and has frequently involved lives. While one cannot claim full knowledge of what goes on in these cults, one has from time to time been presented with the aftermath of their activities. No positive consequence has been encountered so far. We therefore earnestly encourage any one who cherishes his life, limb and future to steer clear of these cults.
Road Traffic Accidents
As a matter of necessity, motor bikes constitute a major means of transportation on our campus. Unfortunately most emergencies handled at the Health Centre are from road traffic accident involving these bikes and to a lesser extent vehicles within and outside the University campus. A few of these accidents have ended fatally.
To avoid road traffic accidents:
- Set out for your destination in good time so there will be no need to hurry the bike rider unnecessarily.
- Wear clothing appropriate to give situations Ballooning skirts have been known to get caught in the spokes of bikes resulting in near fatal accidents.
- Don’t carry too many or heavy luggage on a bike. It has only 2 wheels! On a general note, work as hard but learn the art of relaxation and playing hard occasionally.
The Health Centre
The Health Centre plays an important role in your Health and health related matters while you are still a student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. It is therefore of utmost necessity that you understand its rule and regulations so that you do not run foul of them.
- It is compulsory that you register at the Health Centre by the time of your admission into this University.
- During the process you will be asked to fill certain health forms which will be given to you by the Admissions office.
- You will be asked to have a medical test which will be conducted for you for a fee at the Health Centre.
- Amongst the investigations which will be done for you at the Health Centre for a fee are: Chest X-Ray, Laboratory Tests of Urine and Stool.
- After a successful medical examination you will be issued a medical certificate which will be required for your registration for courses and full admittance into the Halls of Residence.
- Your registration at the Health Centre will entitle you to free treatment there whenever you are ill and so long as you are a bonafide student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
- Please note very well that if you do not register at the Health Centre and you manouvre to register for your courses you are not entitled to free treatment at the Health Centre.
- Any Health related matter between you and your Department cannot also be authenticated at the Health centre.
- If you travel home during the course of the session and you fall sick you must report this immediately to the Health Centre.
- If you fall sick at home during official holidays and your illness extends beyond the holidays you must send somebody to notify the Health Centre about it and bring a full medical report when returning to the University. The Health Centre does not accept sick certificates from private health institutions except if it is a case of an accident.
- If you fall sick while you write examination paper, you should seek to be brought to the Health Centre by your Invigilator who must have completed in triplicate a disability form normally supplied to all examination centers by the Examination and Records Office of the University.
Students’ Group Personal Accident Insurance Welfare Scheme
Registered financial students of the University are to benefit from the Students’ Group Personal Accident Insurance Welfare Scheme as listed in the Scale of Benefit below provided the cause of bodily injury or death does not fall into the exclusions list:
- Death occurring within twelve calendar months of bodily Injury.
- Permanent Disablement occurring within twelve calendar months of bodily injury as aforesaid and not followed within twelve calendar months of the said injury by the death of the Life Insured Compensation for such disablement in accordance with the agreed percentages.
- Medical and Surgical treatment for such injury: Indemnity for the expense of such treatment incurred subject to a limit
- in respect of any one Accident
- The death of a named sponsor through accident: The affected student insured would be entitled to a maximum benefit to be held in trust by the University for his/her educational pursuit while in the University. It is essential that every student must indicate the name of his or her sponsor at the beginning of each academic session.
- Burial Expenses benefit only for deceased registered students under the scheme.
- Reports of occurrence of any of any of the 1-5 above should be made to the Division of Students Affairs within a week.