Obafemi Awolowo University Launches Russian Learning Centre in Joint Initiative with Russian University


Obafemi Awolowo University Launches Russian Learning Centre in Joint Initiative with Russian University

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, marked a historic milestone on October 13, 2023, by hosting the opening session of the Russian Learning Centre at the Africa Centre for Excellence Conference Annex. This momentous occasion represents a significant step forward in global Russian language acquisition, as it is a joint initiative with the University of Education of the Russian Federation.

This initiative reinforces the fact that Obafemi Awolowo University is a trailblazer, becoming the first institution on the African continent to embark on this remarkable journey. This launch aligns OAU with the 55 other centers worldwide dedicated to the promotion of the Russian language, making it the first institution in Africa to join this prestigious network.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Yemi Okuneye, welcomed all attendees to the official program launch. He underscored the significance of introducing the Russian language as a foreign language within the university’s curriculum. Prof. Okuneye expressed his excitement at the enthusiasm displayed by both lecturers and students and highlighted the substantial benefits they stand to gain from this educational endeavor, marking it as a significant legacy of the present administration.

The Vice Rector of the State University of Education in Russia, Kulikov Dmitry, shared his appreciation for OAU, acknowledging the opportunity to expand the horizons of the Russian language and culture within the university community and to contribute positively to society.He expressed his gratitude to his colleagues, including His Excellency, Prof. Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa, Gres Ekaterina, and Gadzhiev Nurislam, emphasizing that Russian education is here to contribute positively to society.

Prof. Kotchofa encouraged learners to approach their studies with discipline and dedication, emphasizing that language proficiency opens doors to academic pursuits and personal development in Russia. He also announced the issuance of certificates upon completion of each stage and a diploma certificate upon overall program completion, which would facilitate admissions to institutions or aid personal pursuits in the country.

The Vice-Chancellor of OAU, Prof. A.S. Bamire, emphasized the significance of the occasion and extended a warm welcome to all attendees.He offered special recognition to Prof. Yemi Okuneye, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Prof. Ogunfowokan, who played a pivotal role in facilitating the partnership between the Russian Educational Sector and the University. He expressed the university’s readiness to partner and collaborate with the Russian sector to further promote the language.

In an engaging session, participants introduced themselves, sharing their affinity for Russian culture and their personal interests in the language. Kulikov Dmitry highlighted the logistical details of the program, announcing that physical classes will run from Monday to Thursday, with online classes scheduled to follow. A wealth of printed and online learning resources will be available to support participants in their language acquisition journey.

This momentous occasion symbolizes a significant step toward cultural enrichment and global collaboration, ensuring OAU’s continued role as a center of academic and cultural excellence.

In attendance were the Vice Chancellor, Prof. A.S. Bamire; The Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration, Prof. O.M.A. Daramola; the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Development -Prof. Akanni Akinyemi; His Excellency, Kulikov Dmitry, Vice Rector of State University of Education, Russia; His Excellency, Prof Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa, Head of International Department, Russia; and Gres Ekaterina and Gadzhiev Nurislam, Russian language teachers. In addition, the Dean, Faculty of Arts Prof. Yemi Okunoye; Dr. Mrs. O.O. Ashaolu, Head of Department, Foreign Languages; Prof. Ogunfowokan; Mr. Bola Orodele, Prof. Adewara, Director INTECU; Chairman, Security Committee; Prof. Olafowokan; the Director, Cultural Studies and others were also present.

Report by: Amusan Mary and ADEROGBA Deborah Ibukunoluwa, Central Office of Research, Obafemi Awolowo Universi.