Empowering Futures: My Journey to Instituting a Scholarship Award for the 2021/22 Academic Session


Empowering Futures: My Journey to Instituting a Scholarship Award for the 2021/22 Academic Session

In the heart of every dream lies the potential for greatness, a potential that flourishes with support, encouragement, and the opportunity to excel. It is with immense pride and a profound sense of responsibility that I embarked on a journey to institute a scholarship award for the 2021/22 academic session, which concluded in September 2022. This initiative, aimed at recognizing and nurturing the bright minds within our esteemed university, is not just an act of giving back but a testament to the power of education and the belief in the capabilities of our students.

Reflecting on my own academic and professional journey, I recall the challenges and obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. As a former student, I understand how financial constraints can impede one’s path to success. It was the timely support from well-wishers and institutions that kept me anchored during those times, instilling in me a deep-rooted desire to light a path for the brilliant minds who represent the future of our society.

It is with great honor that I announce the recipients of this year’s scholarship, each a beacon of hard work, dedication, and academic excellence. These exceptional individuals have not only excelled academically but have also demonstrated qualities of leadership, resilience, and a passion for contributing positively to their communities:

Part V: Egharevba Blessing Adesuwa (4.83) and Karrem Adesola Oluwalogbon (4.62).

Part IV: FAGBEMI Tenifayo Oluwaseun (4.75) and OMOTOSHO John Olayinka (4.68).

Part III: Adeleke Sherifah Bolaji (4.85) and Amuke Sunday (4.83).

Part II: AKINWOLE JOSHUA SIMIDELE (4.89) and Precious Robinson Okafor (4.49).

Part I: OYETUNDE Joseph Oluwasomidotun (4.97) and IPADEOLA Deborah Mercy (4.95).

Each awardee has been granted a scholarship of 50,000 Naira, a token of recognition for their hard work and a contribution to their journey towards achieving their dreams.

This scholarship goes beyond financial assistance; it’s about creating a community of scholars and leaders who are empowered to pursue their passions, innovate, and lead change. I encourage our awardees to view this scholarship as both a reward and a responsibility—to continue pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve and to serve as role models for their peers.

To the awardees, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and my best wishes for your future endeavors. Furthermore, I invite you to reach out to me for mentorship and career guidance. My journey from a student to where I am today has been filled with lessons that I am eager to share, hoping it might illuminate your path in some way.

This scholarship is a call to action to the alumni and the entire university community; it’s a reminder of the impact we can make when we support the aspirations of our students. Let us come together to celebrate these young scholars, invest in our future leaders, and continue building a legacy of excellence and opportunity.

In closing, I am reminded of the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This scholarship is a step towards our collective journey far into the horizon of possibilities, innovation, and shared success. Let us continue to support, inspire, and uplift each other, for in the success of our students, we find our own.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative, and once again, congratulations to our deserving scholarship recipients. Your journey is just beginning, and the world awaits the greatness you are destined to achieve.