The Central Office of Research hosts Dr Joshua Mugambwa and looks forward to future South-South Collaborations
November 8, 2023 2023-11-08 9:12The Central Office of Research hosts Dr Joshua Mugambwa and looks forward to future South-South Collaborations

The Central Office of Research hosts Dr Joshua Mugambwa and looks forward to future South-South Collaborations
Dr Joshua Mugambwa is from the business school of Makerere University, Uganda. His visit to the Obafemi Awolowo University was facilitated by Prof. Fasiku of the Institute of Cultural Studies. Dr Mugambwa’s visit to the university is part of a research project sponsored by ARUWA. His project is affiliated with the Centre of Excellence on Identity.
Dr. Joshua chose Obafemi Awolowo University for his sponsored mobility visit.
The Director of the University Research Office, Prof. Babajide Odu introduces the Central Office of Research and its functions to Dr. Mugambwa and highlighed the desire of the University to have a sustainable relationship with Dr. Mugambwa and his institution by drafting a Memoradum of Understanding.
Prof. Fasiku highlighted on how the research outputs through the collaboration can help solve issues related to governance in African countries.
The Director of the IPPTO, Prof. Ogunlusi discussed the role of the office in commercializing and patenting research outputs of academics within the university. She also discussed the plans of the office for the University, such as the career fair through which the office will actively link the industries with academics in the University.
Dr Mugambwa looks forward to a Memorandum of University between the University of Makerere and Obafemi Awolowo University. He also promised to create an affiliation between the Central Office of Researcg and the Faculty of Research and Postgraduate studies of the University of Makerere with special focus on leveraging on Obafemi Awolowo University’s feat in Intellectual Property Assets development.