48th Convocation: Intention to Join the University Procession

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48th Convocation: Intention to Join the University Procession

48th Convocation: Intention to Join the University Procession

The Ceremonials Committee invites members of staff interested in the processions for the 48th Convocation Ceremonies scheduled for Wednesday, 11th to Saturday, 14th December 2024 to kindly send a short message to Whatsapp Number 07030702929 or email: corporate@oauife.edu.ng stating the following:

* Full name

* Department/Faculty

* Contact Phone number

* Exact date intended to join procession

Please note that priority will be accorded registrants from Departments and Faculties presenting graduands on each day as contained in the schedule of events of the 48th Convocation.

Kindly take note that the deadline to signify intention is Friday, 29th November. 2024.

Thank you.



Mr. L. A. Sanusi

Acting Director, Corporate Services